Tag Archives: rebirth

Sunday Sonnet!



Within the confines of this darkened room,
Surrounded by unspeaking silence, I,
Undaunted, rise to front oppressive gloom,
Its ogre-threatening gestures to defy;
Encouraged by the endless lack of sleep,
My broken spirit leans towards distress,
In mortal fear portending dungeons deep,
From which redemption beggars trust, no less;
Yet, deep within the soul resides a spark,
Though buffeted by life-destroying storm,
Retains its luminescence in the dark,
The embers of the faintest hope to warm;
While breathes a being on this transient earth,
Persists the prospect ever for rebirth.

©Meanderings 2017


Lo, He Comes…

White Rose (WP)


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Expectant maiden, like a rose in bloom,
Irradiates the joy within her womb,
Demure, her smiling eyes,
Excel a Spring sunrise,
Panache infuses air like a perfume.

Her humble innocence shall all disarm,
Unfounded reprobation meets with calm,
Inelegant’s assail,
Not ever shall prevail,
Her destiny shall never come to harm.

Devoted faithful thus await the Time,
To celebrate again the birth sublime,
A stumbling block for some,
Forever to become,
Humanity’s salvation paradigm.

© Meanderings 2015

smile emoticon kolobok

Be Still….

Knowing all(WP)

Time to Reflect!

smile emoticon kolobok

Anticipation moves the faithful heart
From frantic helter-skelter to depart,
In quiet reverie,
A greater truth to see,
Upon that birth devotion to impart!

© Meanderings 2015

smile emoticon kolobok




smile emoticon kolobok

Dancing raindrops echo dust
On the red brown earth,
Arid plants respond in trust,
Welcome, end to dearth –
Promise of rebirth!


smile emoticon kolobok

(Meanderings 2015)