Monthly Archives: November 2018

Sunday Sonnet!



Not always do we see the blessed sun,
Or feel the cheerful presence of its balm,
Its intent by inclement climes undone,
Need not beset mere mortals with alarm;
Elsewhere the sun god sheds his golden rays,
Consistent with his quintessential being,
While here the constant hand of time conveys
We, earthlings, smile of Ra shall soon be seeing.
The rise and fall of rolling ocean waves,
Or undulation of the hills and dales,
Portray with fine panache how life behaves,
Revels of times as much as their travails.
Whatever shade of darkness be the night,
‘Tis but the absence of returning light.

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!!



As year pursues each year into old age,
Our limitations grow in limb and mind,
Sometimes with thoughts from life to disengage,
Good grace adjures, to gratitude be kind;
Delight of halcyon days in summer sun,
Distress when buffeted by winter storm,
Each gifted season proffers everyone
An opportune, their living to perform;
Some traverse rough terrain in their pursuits,
While others savour privileged advance,
All shall inherit designated fruits,
None can the fated levelling end enhance.
Though plenty pain in what is gone before,
Much more salubrious pleasure, to be sure.

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!



Elusive as proverbial pot of gold,
Convincing as conjurer’s sleight of hand,
Untarnished truth, becloaked remains untold,
Subverted gemstone hidden in the sand.
By self-serving seductive wiles betrayed,
Maltreated with dismissive disregard,
Morality, herself is left dismayed,
Perception of veracity is marred.
Lo, constant chronos waves his silent wand,
Outlasting vanity’s ephemeral wares,
Attending patiently at destiny’s hand.
When reaper parts the wholesome wheat from tares.
What needs be known shall ne’er remain unknown.
Unsullied pearl of truth none can dethrone.

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!

Gardenia Unfolding (WP)


Distressed, when we have done with good intent
Impacts upon our bodies with fatigue,
Though we decline from busyness relent,
And take no mean exception to critique;
Entrapped by trivial thoughts that cause concern,
Diurnal or nocturnal time, no rest,
Leaves little space for good sense to discern
The underlying troubler to divest;
Fret not about the morrow’s unknown course,
Nor harbour in your mind distracting thoughts,
The aftermath just fills one with remorse
As one regrets the many musts and oughts;
Good counsel, free, for all the world to see,
Two keys to life, serene, ‘Let Go’, ‘Let Be’.

©Meanderings 2018
