Category Archives: Quatern

A to Z Challenge – Quaint!

Turns of Phrase,
Used with panache,
Linger longer in the hearts and minds of people!

©Meanderings 2016

‘Sell Out’…..


Would you betray me with a kiss?
The dreaded question for deceit,
Most antithetical to bliss,
The way to personal defeat.

Uncommon custom to close friends,
Would you betray me with a kiss?
A gesture that no one offends,
When proferred with no ill remiss.

When loyalty has gone amiss,
Exposing Trust to Evil’s guile,
‘Would you betray me with a kiss?’
For sure true friendship shall defile.

Whether through choice or by design,
Such treachery shall none dismiss,
May Life me ne’er to this consign –
Would you betray me with a kiss!

©Meanderings 2016

Watch with Me….


Will you stay here and watch with me?
His quiet voice entreated them,
For no one knew what was to be,
That ruthless greed him would condemn.

In anguish to his friends he turned,
Will you stay here and watch with me?
How easily deep need is spurned,
Priorities elsewhere decree!

Would that all humans could foresee,
A time when everyone could plead,
Will you stay here and watch with me,
Alerts us all a need to heed!

Alas, too often do we rue,
When hangs the victim on a tree,
To hear that call whilst with the few,
Will you stay here and watch with me?

©Meanderings 2016

Quatern #1 – Spring!


Daffs 4 (WP)

smile emoticon kolobok

Salute the promises of Spring,
Implicit in the burgeoning buds,
Proclaimed by early birds that sing,
Behold approaching colour floods.

Awake from sombre Winter mood,
Salute the promises of Spring,
See all that lies ahead as good,
Let freely fantasy take wing.

That Brother Sun his warmth will bring,
In fervent expectation cheer,
Salute the promises of Spring,
Of icicles there’s none to fear.

Those woollies to the bin consign,
The bells of Summer keenly ring,
With smiles of ecstasy divine,
Salute the promises of Spring.

©Meanderings 2016

Spring smileys