Tag Archives: God

Sunday Sonnet!



I cannot tell the depth of debt I owe
To hallowed architect of life, contrived,
With ne’er a mite of hope to disavow,
That all these years, by Grace, I have survived;
Not always prudent in elected path,
In innocence as much as ignorance,
Bequeathing painful scars in aftermath,
Benificence prevailed in my defence.
Grim, darker days by demons were beset,
Yet, held by loyal love of one who cared,
The halls of hope to want were never let,
Nor falls to taunts of shame were ever bared.
A grateful heart to God of Grace I raise,
With sacramental songs replete with praise.

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!




‘Tis reassuring, most, to be aware
Of living in the ambit of God’s Grace,
Each moment that I pause to stand and stare,
Into the vast expanse of boundless space;
Then fills exultant robin tranquil air
With dulcet song, the coldest heart to warm,
Its tiny life embraced within the Care
Of Him, for whom all goodness is the norm.
From boundless sky to ocean, bottomless,
Station or stature, creature counts for naught,
Accessing Godhead’s goodwill limitless,
Save what through humble, patient trust is sought.
Seek not the morrow’s blessings e’er to see,
For all we know, the best is yet to be!

©Meanderings 2018





Sunday Sonnet



Strung from yon tree, the bleeding, broken being
Perceived beloved women down below,
Compassion wrenched his heart, his mother seeing.
What favour he upon her can bestow?
Then saw he, with the sufferers, huddled there,
The male companion whom he dearly loved,
His mother he commended to his care,
That she by him forever shall be gloved;
Affection, selfless, dwelt in mother’s heart,
Whose son surrendered to the Greater Good,
Her innocence to him she did impart,
That all may gain a wholesome livelihood.
Humility beheld the face of Grace,
The Godhead willed all suffering be displaced!

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!



May Blessings of the Child in Stable born,
Replete with joy and peace to all mankind,
Intent the Godhead image to adorn,
Forever habitate each heart and mind;
Division and divisiveness decease
When selfishness and greed are cast aside;
The hunter and the hunted live in peace,
That harmony and goodness might abide;
As gifts of gold, and frankincense and myrrh
Were brought to lowly infant in the crib,
Let Care the plight of under-privileged stir,
That life begin again from Adam’s rib.
If this be, for the faithless, but a dream,
‘Tis not, for who believe in the Supreme!

©Meanderings 2017


Sunday Sonnet!

New Day.(WP).


I did not choose this domicile to root,
Secreted by rough rocks and sunless trees,
Few passers-by venture this way on foot,
Though being in the leeward of sea-breeze;
My advent here divined by God of Chance,
Who grasped my latent life on Zephyr’s wing,
Where merrily I led a fulsome dance,
Unceremoniously me here to bring;
Within my nature lies the will to be,
No matter where or how I find myself,
Transmuted from potential into me,
According to the Oracle of Delph;
And now you see my pretty yellow head,
Intent on bringing joy, sans tinge of dread!

©Meanderings 2017
