Tag Archives: snow

Sunday Sonnet!

F-Red Rose (WP)


Not for the sake of cultivating praise,
Nor in pursuit of serving self-esteem,
One seeks to advocate compassion’s ways,
A more humane society to redeem.
As frozen as the snow-capped countryside,
Resplendent in the sparkling noonday sun,
The mores of life in vanities reside,
Affecting attitudes of everyone.
Would that the Sun that warms the human heart,
With embers of enduring, fulsome hope,
Regenerate our mores with a new start,
That Care shall reign in comprehensive scope.
Indifference paves the way to grave’s decline,
Compassion nurtures joy for the divine.

©Meanderings  2018


Sunday Sonnet!



Beneath the freezing splendour of thick snow
Awaits the vernal birth of crocus hue,
As rising waves of warmth their balm bestow,
Signage of nature’s rebirth shall ensue;
As certain as the flight of winter’s woe,
Essential to the circle of all being,
Anticipate advent of summer’s glow,
When some to distant climes shall go a-fleeing,
Thus interact the rhythmic cogs of life,
Regardless of the whims of creature-kind,
Whether it be in harmony or strife,
The laws of nature are in gold enshrined.
The present to the future shall succumb,
The past without exception to become.

©Meanderings ’18


Sunday Sonnet!



Too soon the Winter sun in western sky
Declines, as though in fear of pending Night,
So little time for aged to say ‘Hi’,
Their darkened spirits to be filled with light;
Restricted to the friendship of four walls,
By ruthless limitations of old age,
Vicissitude of Winter’s whim forestalls
The yearning heart, fair weather to engage;
O, that the warm embrace of Summer’s sun,
The cold, dark days of Snow Queen would displace,
A brighter mien to bring to everyone,
And smiles return to every sullen face.
Pray, tarry not much longer Blessed Spring,
Great harbinger of joy for all to sing!

©Meanderings 2017




Natural Balance?

Janus into distance stares,
Frowns upon his foreheads bears,
Wonder in the Future sees,
Sadness in the Past he grieves,
Good in heart believes.

Weather gods their counsel keep,
Humankind with doubt to steep,
Snow in Summer, Winter Mild,
Calm in Autumn, Springtime Wild,
Weathermen beguiled!

Cautiously they tread the street,
Wary of Midsummer sleet,
Youngsters on their sleds have fun,
In the absence of the Sun,
Rather walk than run!

Woollies in the Sun do well,
Icy winds sting, children yell,
Juno can no comfort bring,
Biting breezes dirges sing,
No bird on the wing!

Adaptation be the rule,
For the Wise but not the Fool,
To survive in Nature’s Book,
Comfort zones must be forsook,
To ourselves we look!

© Meanderings 2016