Tag Archives: age

Sunday Sonnet!

robin on branch(WP)


Tap-tapping gently on the window pain,
Red robin rouses man asleep in chair,
Who, thinking it might merely be the rain,
Bestirs, then dozes off without a care;
Insistent little redbreast taps once more,
This time with greater passion in his call,
The old man stirs, as he had done before,
Raises reluctant eyelids, narrow, small –
Two tiny eyes invade the fog of age,
Occasioning a burgeoning, happy smile;
One’s needs the other’s kindness thus engage,
To make their co-existence prove worthwhile;
No better world there ever can be known,
With reciprocity the cornerstone!

© Meanderings 2017


Rictameter #5


Sans kith or kin,
In dotage years forsooth,
However can someone survive
Within a soul-destroying, mindless world?
Sweet Charity her grace needs show,
Lest hapless lives be left,
Condemned to die,

©Meanderings 2016

Sunday Sonnet!


Beneath the dust of mind’s forgetfulness,
Interred, lie dormant, treasured memories
That waken to enquirer’s kind caress,
A fountainhead of joy for retirees;
Impeded, not by favour nor through fear,
A torrent of delightful smiles ensues,
Relating raunchy tales for all to hear,
Into the distant years of blue suede shoes;
Alas! Like clay within a potter’s hand,
Sweet Truth consents to being plied by age,
Much better to indulge this happy band
Than see them trapped within a joyless cage.
Embrace, content, those mild autumnal years,
Lest, they be filled with unremitting tears!

©Meanderings 2016

Septolet #3


Disabling Age,
Disregarding personal position,
Smiles On Vanity;

Graciously embraces,
Advancing years.

©Meanderings 2016

Festive Fun…

Cavorting WP

Making Merry…

smile emoticon kolobok

Westwind blows a gale,
Driving rain comes pelting down,
Shoppers grin and bear!

Children shriek with glee,
Pavement puddles splash and spray,
Wary women winch!

Brassband carols sing,
Festive mood pervades the air,
Gay Abandon reigns!

Mid the bustling fun,
Spare a thought for old, infirm,
Hearts and Spirits here!

© Meanderings 2015

smile emoticon kolobok