Tag Archives: serenity

Sunday Sonnet!

Gardenia Unfolding (WP)


Distressed, when we have done with good intent
Impacts upon our bodies with fatigue,
Though we decline from busyness relent,
And take no mean exception to critique;
Entrapped by trivial thoughts that cause concern,
Diurnal or nocturnal time, no rest,
Leaves little space for good sense to discern
The underlying troubler to divest;
Fret not about the morrow’s unknown course,
Nor harbour in your mind distracting thoughts,
The aftermath just fills one with remorse
As one regrets the many musts and oughts;
Good counsel, free, for all the world to see,
Two keys to life, serene, ‘Let Go’, ‘Let Be’.

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!


So driven by the need to get things done
That minutes of the day like lightning pass,
So speedily the sands of Time seem gone,
Sunken into a swirling, wild morass,
All efforts wrought with meaningful intent
Often performed at person’s grievous cost,
Appears to be vitality misspent,
Issuing in a sense of being lost;
With care, perceive the beat of Nature’s heart,
Which panders not to every fleeting whim,
Nor frets at whatsoever might depart,
But hums her pre-ordained consistent hymn;
Serenity descends on those who wait,
She nourishes profound contented state.

©Meanderings 2016

Sighing and waiting smileys

Sunday Sonnet #3


When dotage fears assail a lonely hour,
Conjuring images frail hearts despair,
Vain thoughts all vestiges of hope devour,
That soul into her sanctum would repair;
When light through windows to the mind grow dim,
And sound like every passing day does fade,
Athletic strength declines in every limb,
And common acts of life commands an aide;
Feel Gratitude for all that’s gone before,
Recalling blessings down the yielding years;
Contentment in good measure lies in store
For him or her who smilingly appears;
As innocence into this world is born,
Serenity departure shall adorn.

©Meanderings 2016




smile emoticon kolobok
Raucous laughter not for her,
Serenity holds sway;
All pleasures shall to her defer
To savour her bouquet –
Homage to her convey!

© Meanderings 2015

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