Tag Archives: danger

Sunday Sonnet!

Shadows (WP)


Wait! Wait! Resounds pre-emptive call of sense,
A hasty, thoughtless response to deter,
Amidst persuasive voices so intense,
The heedless lasting import can incur;
However good it be your mind to speak,
Prudence proscribes a cautious watch to keep,
Upon incautious, damaging critique
That can inflict abysmal trauma, deep;
Capricious as a potent lightning strike,
An uttered, ill-considered toxic thought,
Not only generates inflamed dislike,
But can ignite reciprocal onslaught.
In always finding pregnant pause to stare,
The wise regard each precious thought with care.

©Meanderings 2018


Clarity Pyramid #1


Blazon forth,

Danger lurks ahead,
Reckless warmongering,
Parades as Freedom’s Champion;

“Don’t Gain the World and Lose your Soul!”

©Meanderings 2016

Note: A final series for a while….using this format. For more info on the Clarity Pyramid SEE HERE

Summer Mini-Monos #2


On the beach
Sunners, each
Lies to bleach
Pink as peach –
Beggars speech!

Dangers lurk,
Pain berserk
Sleep will irk,
Be no jerk,
Lotions work!

©Meanderings 2016

Hourglass #9


Facing the Unknown,
Timid Creatures,
Void of Trust,
Yield to
After Truth,
Shunning Danger,
Suffer for Their Faith!

©Meanderings 2016

On The Moors…


When rain pours
On the Moors,
Walking tours,
Danger lures,
Courage cures!

Winter wind,
Wrecks the skinned,
Tortured sinned,
Bold ones grinned,
All well ginned!

©Meanderings 2016