Tag Archives: justice

Sunday Sonnet!



When comes the day that Fate declines to smile,
On falsehoods peddled with impunity,
Intent, unwary nation to beguile,
Who, then, shall bear responsibility?
The raucous harbinger of self-import –
Whose savvy ventures not beyond the tweet,
Or, meekly looking on without retort,
Obsequious, gutless minions of conceit?
Rest not at ease vile harbinger of lies,
Nor acquiescent guardians to their shame,
They be in close collusion, these allies,
Justice decrees that both shall be to blame.
As sure as day succeeds the darkest night,
None shall avoid their much deserved plight!

©Meanderings 2018


Sunday Sonnet!



Can Reason supersede blind Ignorance?
Can Daylight intervene where Night prevails?
How shall the Truth to waking blind evince
Unless untold disaster it entails?
How brutally perverse must Power be
Before the God of Justice intercedes?
Is this the end to Land of Liberty?
A culture, vile, that revolution breeds?
Nay! See within the Nation’s marrow set,
Enduring mores bequeathed by sage forebears;
Would that these tenets People ne’er forget,
To honour them allays all future fears;
Let Hearts of Courage untowards assail,
That Spirit of Democracy prevail!

©Meanderings 2017


Sunday Sonnet!


When populism stirs uninformed hearts,
Evoking deeply held unfounded fears,
Fair Reason from the Masses soon departs
Leaving a Nation’s raison d’etre in tears;
Dishonesty of intent shall emerge,
Unable, deep divisions then to mend,
Resulting, once, in Gorgon’s deathly dirge,
Against such repetition, God, defend;
Though Grace and Patience be our constant mien,
Let lessons learnt from recent painful past,
Invigorate our latent righteous spleen,
Miscarriage of true justice to recast;
Would that the hand that wrote on Shazzar’s wall
Divine hope-filled denouement for us all!

© Meanderings 2016

Fib #5


Prudence –
Fortitude, Justice,
Liberally Laced with Charity!

©Meanderings 2016