Tag Archives: posts

Greetings from Bushka!

Greetings! (WP)


Sincere apologies for my protracted silence here…..No discourtesy intended to anyone of my treasured friends and followers. 😇 Some of you have kindly enquired after my well-being…….ALL IS WELL!

After a super time in Germany and Austria over the festive season, I found, upon my return, that I have, somehow, lost my enthusiasm for ‘blogging’. Admittedly, I am otherwise occupied which diminishes my time and inclination to be here.

In the light of generous comments from some of my friends and followers I hope to resume posting my ‘Sunday Sonnet’ for the foreseeable future.

I am not sure how regular I shall be interacting with posts and comments. No discourtesy intended….🤷

I wish you ALL WELL……May Good Fortune smile on you whatever you do…wherever you go!

God Bless!



S.O.S. Please HELP!


Get Me Out of Here!

smile emoticon kolobok

I’m Stuck! Stumped! Where else can I turn?

Someone ‘out there’…or here on WordPress must be able to get me out of my ‘agony’.

I’m not IT Savvy….very much on a continuing steep learning curve. Like many folks around here I enjoy blogging – ready and prepared to learn.


How do I resolve my continuing problem of NOT receiving E-mail Notifications for posts or comments?

Googling the problem in whatever shape refers me inevitably to Forums/Discussions etc….some suggestions of which are couched in ‘Tech Lingo’ with which I am not familiar….

PLEASE…..Can someone give me some simple advice?

I shall be eternally grateful for any help that leads to the resolution of my problem.

Thank You in anticipation!


smile emoticon kolobok