Lest We Forget!

Raindrop WP.


smile emoticon kolobok

Bright coloured lights the city streets adorn,
Carolling voices on the air are borne,
Let not the reveller set,
In Charity forget,
The faceless hid from common view forlorn!

© Meanderings 2015

smile emoticon kolobok

9 responses to “Lest We Forget!

  1. I wholeheartedly concur with the sentiment. There are so many demands on us, charity may be spread thinly and wide.


  2. Those behind the curtains, or old cars and sheds.


  3. Good one….thank you, Bushka. xx


  4. Nice thoughts. Charity is often forgotten in the holiday season.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. while the goal is to be merry, it can be easy to forget those who are not

    Liked by 1 person

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